Champions of cyberspace, Captain Jake Borman and his team of highly trained experts pilot the computer ship Endeavor as they traverse the Internet in search of an escaped criminal with knowledge to the whereabouts of a long lost team of heroes: The Map Men.
Formed in the dark hours before World War Two, a loyal force, charged with upholding the Crown's influence and securing British policy, fights a never-ending battle to protect the King's empire and his Majesty's loyal subjects. These are Winston Churchill's... IMPERIALS!
The Lost Professor
Worried that his academic peers have created an interstellar travel device for conquest and with each successive use damages the delicate balance of the universe, a cunning professor from the planet Xex hijacks the device's only control center and escapes from his home planet onto the universal energy plain searching for a new world to call his own.
The Leaf
Canada's Greatest Hero!
For three generations the Leaf has been Canada’s greatest hero, a heritage passed from father to son, until Michael MacSorly breaks that tradition. When a killer robot assumes the guise of the Leaf in its brutal campaign against crime, a reluctant Michael must take on the mantle of the Leaf from his deceased father and redeem the hero’s now tarnished legacy.
The Leaf -Michael McSorly The 60's-70's Leaf - James McSorly The Original Leaf -Walter McSorly
The Unknowns!
The original superhero team of the WSN... ---the World Security Network!
Led by Bug, team members include Arcana, Crosscheck, The Neutralator, and Rift.
As the Nazi war machine rolls relentlessly across Europe. A desperate Britain rallies heroes from throughout her Empire to oppose Hitler’s dark forces and prevent the Third Reich from securing the Black Scroll of Nostradamus which holds within it a prophecy that could give Hilter his 'Endsieg' – his Final Victory. The IMPERIALS are the British Empire’s greatest heroes, drawn from the four corners of the globe. Assembled to oppose the menace of Nazi Germany and Hitler’s insane dreams of conquest, the IMPERIALS fight in every front of the war, standing fast even in the dark hours when Britain fights alone. Their story unravels the struggles of the IMPERIALS against their Axis adversaries. In such an hour of need, the IMPERIALS represent a wide-range of cultures and personalities, some heroic and some less-so, drawn together by the common purpose of preventing Nazi domination of the world.
Led by a British knight, the team consists of members from such far flung locales as Nepal, Egypt, Australia and Canada.
Aware of the growing inevitability of war, Winston Churchill used his power as First Lord of the Admiralty in the late ‘30’s to assemble champions from across the Empire into the IMPERIALS. During the retreat at Dunkirk, the IMPERIALS are assigned to protect the embarking allied troops when Churchill is informed that the Black Scroll is in a Paris museum and has become the number one target of Nazi agents. The battle for control of the scroll takes the IMPERIALS from France to North Africa to a final showdown outside London at a secret military bunker where the combined forces of the Axis superhumans attack in a last ditch effort to bring Hitler the scroll and change the outcome of the war.
Desperate to carry on the legacy of Avalon and avenge his father’s death during the invasion of France, Sir Arthur Reginald-Smythe dons the legendary Armor of Antioch worn by his father, an enchanted suit of plate mail that is invulnerable to damage. Forged in the Himalayas, the Mystic Ghurka controls esoteric powers of the arcane with his sacred Kukri knives. Paralyzed and in a constant vegetative state, Archibald Philips is Skirmish, a super genius with advanced tactical knowledge and expertise. Forever confined to a wheelchair, he must be connected to a computer so that his one-of-a-kind analytical understanding of warfare can be extracted. Defending the Dominion with superior skills and expert training, Jill Canada uses her Olympic strength and spirit to crush opponents. Steeped in tradition, the Black Rod employs teleportation powers gained from his staff crafted 500 years ago. From Australia hails Johnny Dingo, a fifth generation werewolf who, through an aborigine curse, has mastered the beast inside him.
The Axis Forces:
To oppose the Imperials the Germans deploy Kriegesit – a Nazi assassin with a body that exudes poison, Ubermann – the titanic result of Nazi attempts to improve the master race, The Green Glove – a sinister mystic from Tibet, Dr Gottwin – a ruthless scientist who has mastered ‘living protoplasm’, and Panzermann – the hulking cyborg remainder of a German war veteran.
Which character would you like to see a story written about?